A Statement From CellarHand

Some of you may have recently heard rumours concerning the conduct of one of our former employees, Lak Quach.
Sadly, it’s a rumour no more. We were extremely upset, devastated in fact,  to recently discover that Lak had engaged in widespread, significant and serious misconduct for the duration of his employment with CellarHand – activities to which he has admitted.
We want to thank everyone for understanding that we have not been able to comment on this matter while we undertook our investigation.
Our investigations have confirmed that Lak’s actions were confined to CellarHand’s stock and did not impact upon the orders or stock of our clients.
Lak is no longer an employee of CellarHand and will have no further connection with our business, or anyone connected to our business.
Unfortunately it turns out that Lak was just not the person we thought he was.
We really appreciate the support of all of our customers, suppliers, employees and family during what has been a very difficult time for us professionally and personally.  We have been blown away by messages of encouragement that we have received from so many of you. It’s literally been a tidal wave of love and support that has made such a challenging time a little more bearable for all of the CellarHand family. 
And we remain a family – no-one can ever take that away from us. None of this will change who we are or how we roll.
We look forward now to moving on, putting it all  behind us, and getting back to selling fabulous wines made by great people to other great people!

Patrick and Gin